


Title: Little Disasters
Authors: Vaughan, Sarah
Genre: Fiction
Pages: 415
Year: 2020
Language: English
Description: Ed and Jess have three children. Ed is a great dad ... when he's at home, that is. The rest of the time it is up to Jess to manage everything, and she is finding Betsey, the baby, hard work. It all comes to a head when Betsey ends up in the Emergency Department with an injury that is not easily explained. The doctor on call is none other than Liz, one of Jess's good friends. This forces Liz to re-evaluate their relationship, Jess's 'perfect' family, and even her own choices.

This authentic portrayal of motherhood is delivered through its well-developed characters and its empathetic examination of parenting and postnatal depression.

Categories: Fiction, Grief/loss, Medical/Health, Morals/Ethics, Relationships, Social commentary/perspectives, England, 2022 Titles


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By: WANAK 022 2024-08-21 11:38:21
Most readers liked this book.

By: OTORO 002 2024-07-29 11:22:23
Everyone enjoyed reading this - well-written, an important topic, very current but with some unnecessarily long descriptions. Most did not like the twist at the end - not believable and absolutely not needed, in fact, it took away from the book's sincerity.

By: TAUR 036 2024-06-12 14:21:00
A really interesting book which we all, bar one, enjoyed. As mothers we discussed the joys, fears and highlights of family life, and we were sympathetic to Jess's struggles to be the perfect mother. A very enjoyable read with a twist at the end.

By: HAMIL 018 2024-04-15 10:16:51
We all liked/enjoyed this book - very relevant and worked through many issues faced today. Well-written and the insight portrayed was compelling. Each of us could identify with the young Mum, the professional Dr. friend, and of course Frankie - the young Mum's son. Marriage,, relationships, motherhood, bureaucracy, judgement - all handled well.

By: MAYF 001 2024-03-11 10:00:47
Very slow to start but warmed up as a thriller.

By: PALMN 006 2024-01-22 13:35:38
A compelling read. Most enjoyed it but some found it very disturbing. Well-written and a great twist at the end.

By: WELL 206 2024-01-18 12:46:40
Some of our group found it a hard read. Made for a good discussion around post natal depression, and the lack of recognition and support for a lot of women. Also talked around the need some women feel to be perceived as "perfect".

By: CHCH 294 2023-11-28 13:16:01
Mixed reaction - too many needy women. A great discussion was the result, however.

By: RICH 012 2023-11-23 21:42:18
Most thought it portrayed post natal depression well but thought the twist at the end not so believable.

By: NAP 016 2023-11-13 09:37:20
This book created much discussion. It was both depressing and controversial. Older members had difficulty relating to Jess's situation as when they had babies there was a great deal of support from health professionals and family.

By: DANNE 002 2023-09-26 12:06:16
We all enjoyed this book although the subject was a little harrowing. We found it an interesting expression of hidden post natal depression and mental unwellness, and also of the expectation that since you are female and a mother, you are equipped to cope.

By: WELL 183 2023-08-16 13:18:35
We enjoyed the book and could all relate to the post natal stress! Kept us guessing all along as to what 'really' happened.

By: AUCK 181 2023-06-22 13:23:02
Quite traumatic for some of us. Good read.

By: THAM 008 2023-06-07 14:47:33
Most of us really liked this one. Felt the ending was a twist but a little weak. Some found it very confronting.

By: DUNED 001 2023-05-18 13:18:27
Great for discussion. Relevant to today's society.

By: TEPUK 006 2023-05-17 14:49:49
Not a great book but readable. We felt the story and characterisation were muddled. The ending, while tidy and unsatisfactory, was unbelievable.

By: NELS 054 2023-05-17 13:10:57
An easy read that left most of the group a little disappointed due to the predictable near ending followed by a non-believable final ending.

By: AMBER 001 2023-05-10 12:39:19
We found this novel "riveting" - it covered a number of emotional problems.

By: NELS 072 2023-04-20 14:57:31
Gripping and thought provoking read. Shows what could happen when someone can see something isn't quite right, but the full story isn't shared initially.

By: AUCK 015 2023-03-30 11:27:09
A confronting book, but well worth reading. A realistic thriller covering most of the problematical aspects of modern childrearing in our middle class European society.

By: GORE 005 2023-03-27 12:11:07
Enjoyed this.

By: BLENH 003 2023-01-11 14:39:03
Not our most favourite book! No one really enjoyed the story and it went on too long, but was well-written. Not a popular topic!

By: TAUR 049 2023-01-09 12:01:11
Mixed response to this book, but it still created plenty of discussion on several of today's real social issues. e.g. post natal depression, child abuse and social services' handling of this, expectations we place on ourselves and those that others place on us, etc etc.

By: AUCK 050 2022-11-28 14:10:17
An interesting book that provoked a lot of discussion about looking after one another, mental distress and inter-generational abuse.

By: AUCK 063 2022-10-21 14:55:55
Wide range of opinions for 'Little Disasters'. Some found it gripping and compelling, others not at all. The very quick and 'tidy' ending jarred. The author did cover many aspects of motherhood and parenting relationships, so good for discussion.

By: HUNTLY 001 2022-10-13 14:22:51
Our book group is full of mothers, and so we could all relate to this book. We enjoyed it and had a very animated discussion.

By: NELS 015 2022-10-05 12:28:36
Mixed reviews. Some really enjoyed it and felt it was a realistic representation of motherhood with young children. Others thought it too long and repetitive, no depth to characters and a contrived and unrealistic ending.

By: AUCK 234 2022-09-30 11:33:20
Our group thought it an unusual and sad book with undercurrents running through it - eg. post natal depression. Overall they thought the book was rather drawn out.

By: TAUR 009 2022-09-08 11:38:20
This book provoked much discussion. All agreed it was very interesting look at a very common problem, and still a very misunderstood one. The twist at the end ( in fact two twists) made the book a real page turner.

By: TAUP 006 2022-09-08 11:28:56
Provoked some fairly intense reaction from our group about parenting, child abuse, post-natal depression, men's changing roles in society. Several members commented on how relevant and probing the questions are.

By: TAIH 004 2022-09-01 10:33:44
Most of us enjoyed this book. Thanks.

By: WHAKA 017 2022-08-22 14:50:23
This book brought out lots of discussion on our own babies and parenthood! We could all relate to the themes in the story and enjoyed the characters and complexity.

By: AUCK 272 2022-07-15 13:21:07
Book was a bit long, with a strange after plot at the end. Gripping read however, I read it quickly. Interesting about maternal OCD.

By: MAST 007 2022-05-18 13:14:47
Will read this author again.

By: WHANG 018 2021-12-13 14:21:52
50% enjoyed and 50% not. Those who had crying babies could relate well to the emotion.

By: CHCH 344 2021-10-14 14:59:48
Very relatable, and understandable. Could really identify with the situation.

The Book Discussion 
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