

BDS is a registered charitable trust and non-profit serving New Zealand book groups and clubs since 1973.

We aim to create a fairer, kinder, happier New Zealand through promoting book groups as places where people can connect, learn, be inspired, and grow together. We work also work with prisons, libraries, schools, mens organisations, rural and migrant communities to assist under-represented peoples into book groups.

If you would like to make a donation to WEA Book Discussion Scheme Trust in support of our work you can give quickly and easily via our Givealittle page. You will automatically be sent a receipt for tax purposes.


Or, if you prefer, you can choose one of the payment methods below.

Payment Methods

  • Online β€” Choose 'Donations' in the 'Order Products' facility of the Convenor section of the website
  • Internet Banking β€” 02 0800 0726088 000 (use your name as a reference)

If using one of the above payment methods, please email to

  • advise us of your payment
  • provide your full name and address for the tax receipt if you need one



Sponsor a Book Set

Sponsor a set of 12 new books for the catalogue and choose your own personal message for the dedication sticker inside.

This is a lovely way to honour a past member, or just let others know that you support BDS and its mission. The cost to sponsor a book set is just $200.

Choose a title to sponsor from the list below, or let us choose for you, then email with

  • the title of the book you'd like to sponsor
  • your dedication message
  • advice of your payment method
Titles currently available for sponsorship:


Non Fiction



Help us to continue the BDS traditions of quality reading, excellent company and lively discussion for generations to come. If you wish to make a bequest or leave a legacy for the BDS in your will, the following is suitable wording:

β€œTo the FWEA Book Discussion Scheme (BDS), the sum of $____________ for the general purposes of the BDS. I declare that the receipt of the Chairperson of the FWEA Book Discussion Scheme Sub-committee will be sufficient for my Trustee(s) or Executor(s).”

A printable version of the above wording is available here.

The Book Discussion 
Scheme is a member of the Federation of Workers Educational Associations in Aotearoa New Zealand
BDS is a member of the Federation of Workers Educational Associations