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Jobs at BDS

There are no vacancies for paid positions at this time. 


Volunteers - Intercultural Book Groups

Do you appreciate, and want to learn more about, other cultures?

Are you proficient in speaking and reading English?

Then contact us about volunteering to lead an ESOL (English as Second Language) or migrant book group!
Groups meet for an hour or so (monthly or, in some cases, more frequently). Chat involves a book from the BDS Intermediate English catalogue and aspects of Kiwi life. (No membership cost involved for volunteers, group members just $15 each).


Other volunteering opportunities

BDS members may like to volunteer to:

  • review books as part of the Readers Network, to assist with the selection of new titles to the scheme
  • host or help organise a promotional event, to publicise the scheme and encourage membership 

Contact to express your interest.


Openings for volunteering also come up occasionally at the BDS' Christchurch office, when required. Volunteer activities include:

  • covering and stickering new books
  • putting together enrolment and information packs 
  • repairing books that have been damaged

Contact to express your interest.


The Book Discussion 
Scheme is a member of the Federation of Workers Educational Associations in Aotearoa New Zealand
BDS is a member of the Federation of Workers Educational Associations