
Full programme

This programme consists of 10 titles per membership period: one book a month for 10 consecutive months (with a break over the Christmas/summer holidays).

This programme can start at anytime during the year.

An optional 'holiday read' can be ordered for the Christmas holiday period.


Half programme

Consists of 5 titles per membership period: one book every 2 months for a total of 10 consecutive months (with a break over the Christmas/summer holidays).

This programme can start at anytime during the year.


Student programme

A programme for high school or tertiary students.

Consists of 5 titles per membership period: one book a month for the first half of the academic year.

The Book Discussion 
Scheme is a member of the Federation of Workers Educational Associations in Aotearoa New Zealand
BDS is a member of the Federation of Workers Educational Associations