


Title: Animal Farm
Authors: Orwell, George
Genre: Fiction
Pages: 118
Year: 1945
Language: English
Description: The animals on a farm take over and administer the farm for themselves. A satire about dictatorship.

Comments from Groups:

All enjoyed - some revisited from high school days. Promoted interesting discussion. Papamoa 002

Easy book to read. A good one to start with. We had a very broad discussion about dictatorship and felt that it did not just apply to Russia but every country and society, even our own. Hamilton 035

A timeless classic. Wellington 105

Most of our members had read this book before, enjoyed it then and on reading it again. Christchurch 010

Had a deep political discussion. Whakatane 006

Categories: Fiction, Classic, Dystopia/Futuristic, Satire, Blind Low Vision library, Dictatorship


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By: WHAKA 008 2022-06-20 10:22:32
Interesting that this book's marks varied between 1 and 5. Most of us thought the satire was amazing. We can see why this book has become a classic and is studied in schools.

By: ALEXA 001 2021-08-02 09:36:20
An enjoyable and stimulating revisiting of Orwell's classic, which most of us read years ago. Still apt. A wide-ranging discussion followed.

By: CHCH 449 2020-09-05 10:45:00
We all agreed that this book was worth reading (again, after a very long time, for most of us!) although we disagreed on the rating so I selected the average. It did generate a good discussion on the current state of New Zealand as well as in other countries at this time. Has humanity changed over the 75 years since it was first published Some of us would be keen to read some more of Orwell's books.

By: PALMN 025 2020-04-09 11:37:07
Book enjoyed by most of the group, and the discussion went really well.

By: MURCH 001 2020-04-09 11:34:51
Wow! Our discussion was awesome!

By: WELL 130 2020-04-09 11:34:04
A bit dated. Would have been revolutionary at the time of writing and publication.

By: AUCK 078 2020-04-09 11:33:18
We recommend that groups read the appendices of 'Animal farm' - really interesting.

By: OWAKA 001 2020-04-09 11:32:12
'Animal Farm' divided opinion in our group. One hated it, one very much liked it, one loved it and has started on Orwell's 'Burmese Days' already. The rest were rather ambivalent, finding it quite depressing, but enjoying the writing and the cleverness of the ideas. What a short book it is! One member remembered liking it as a thirteen-year-old, but felt she hadn't picked up on all the satirical elements, and was surprised at how sad it was.

By: AUCK 344 2020-04-09 11:27:41
Most of our group had already read the book many years ago, but the opportunity to read it again added another layer of understanding. All agreed it was a very cleverly written fable.

By: CHCH 010 2020-04-09 11:26:15
A great rollicking read exposing power and its correlation to corruption, which appears to be a condition that humans will be forever unable to shake off.

By: WARK 005 2020-04-09 11:24:44
We all liked the book - good discussion, and a range of views.

By: TURA 001 2020-04-09 11:23:47
A few had read it at high school, then it just seemed a funny story. Now after all these years, it's political and up to date still. Great discussion. Thanks!

By: WAIUK 003 2020-04-09 11:21:57
Well enjoyed. For many members it was a 2nd reading as they read it at school. We actually discussed the questions at the back of the book rather than the booklet, as we felt they were more current with today's politics etc.

The Book Discussion 
Scheme is a member of the Federation of Workers Educational Associations in Aotearoa New Zealand
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