


Title: Zzz_Withdrawn_With No One As Witness
Authors: George, Elizabeth
Genre: Fiction
Pages: 664
Year: 2005
Language: English
Description: The police never suspected a serial killer, until they found the fourth murdered boy - the first white victim - his body draped over a tomb in a London graveyard. Suddenly, a series of crimes and a potential public relations disaster have Scotland Yard on the defensive, scrambling to apprehend a maniac, while avoiding accusations of racism. [Big read}

Comments from Groups:

We enjoyed the book, and thought her writing was very good. Even though it was a long book, it kept the momentum to the end. Wellington 016

Most of the group enjoyed the book, with several members never having read a 'mystery' novel before. The discussion was probably the most animated we have ever had... Oxford 002

No one 'enjoyed' it, but it generated much discussion about the nature of detective work, and the criminal psychopathic mind. We have a psychologist ( with an interest in forensic psychology) in the group, and also someone who works in the police force, so it was interesting to hear their perspectives. Wellington 121

Quite long - 664 pages and small print, but interesting and enjoyable. Unfortunately this book is quite a long way into the series which felt a bit confusing to some readers. However it certainly encouraged some to read more of the series, or to watch the Inspector Lynley dramatisations. Auckland 174

We would certainly seek out more by this author. It was a book which has to be read slowly - no skipping as her descriptive writing was so beautiful. Geraldine 002

Generally those that read the book enjoyed it, and appreciated the twists and turns. A few were uncomfortable reading about the paedophilia aspect. But overall the group gave the book 8/10. Waihi 002

We had hugely different reactions to this book. Some thought it was superb, others disliked it and didn't finish it. Most of us struggled with the very small font size. Tauranga 018

Categories: Fiction, Big reads, Blind Low Vision library


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