


Title: Behold the Dreamers
Authors: Mbue, Imbolo
Genre: Fiction
Pages: 382
Year: 2016
Language: English
Description: When Jende Jonga is appointed as a chauffeur, it seems as if all his Christmases have come at once. Driving his Wall Street employer Clarke Edwards around New York, is a far cry from life in his native Cameroon and Jende and his ambitious wife Neni will do whatever it takes to be able to stay and pursue the American dream. But it is 2007 and Clarke works for Lehman Brothers ...

From power and privilege through to the challenges and struggles of migrants, this thoughtful story lays bare the lives of the Edwards and Jonga families, exposing the American Dream to the light of day.

Categories: Fiction, Culture/Ethnic/Racial, Morals/Ethics, Relationships, Social commentary/perspectives, America, 2019 Titles


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By: MOTUK 001 2024-04-15 12:02:31
We generally thought the book was worth reading, and it was a good discussion with all 8 of us present.

By: TAUP 013 2023-10-30 10:10:30
This one just didn't seem to 'click' with any of us. Still, a good read and sparked some good discussion.

By: HAMIL 062 2022-11-23 13:38:09
Most enjoyed this book - we felt an empathy with Jende and his wife as they pursued their dream. We felt that the American family is a bit clichd but overall the experience of the Cameroon people felt authentic. Good ending.

By: PALMN 029 2022-07-28 07:49:28
Compelling characters and story. A modern day Downton Abbey with a glimpse into the lives and decisions of the rich and the people that work for them. The story is told with specificity and love for the characters.

By: WHANGA 003 2021-07-21 12:03:56
Great little story with a huge event as a background. Well-written.

By: TAUP 011 2021-07-07 14:26:39
All enjoyed it - found it a real eyeopener as to what a struggle the Islanders had to get any education.

By: KATIK 002 2020-05-05 14:39:30
A great read and insight into another world, so true on so many levels regarding migrants and their focus on the next generation. The writer does a great job of opening our eyes to the struggles faced living in a foreign land. Interesting to see the tricks and deceits you learn to survive, and how money doesn't necessarily bring the longed for happiness or security.

By: MAST 008 2019-12-12 11:56:52
A great read and easy to whip through. Liked the characters and all the interaction of relationships and differing cultures. Quite a sad ending, but quite likely all too true. Not as good as Nigerian author Chimamanda Adichie, but well worth the read!

By: CHCH 125 2019-11-06 09:53:35
A very well-written insight into the lives and hopes of the characters in the story. I had sympathy for their situations - very heart wrenching.

By: GISB 003 2019-11-06 09:49:35
Group all enjoyed this book - good discussion.

By: AUCK 208 2019-11-04 14:40:37
Our group thought generally an excellent read and well-written. Gave an insight into the plight of illegal immigration and mental anguish suffered.

By: GREYT 002 2019-10-11 12:06:20
Feedback varied - some said because they had no experience of Africa or New York, so they were not so interested. Others (like me) LOVED it, because of connections with Africa and New York.

By: AUCK 016 2019-07-26 12:38:51
Waiting for the sequel! Enjoyed by everyone.

By: CROMW 003 2019-07-17 13:27:36
Everyone enjoyed the book, and it generated much discussion.

By: NAP 011 2019-07-04 15:00:33
Nearly everyone loved this book. Several of the group found it a little slow to get going, but then thoroughly enjoyed the story and characters.

The Book Discussion 
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