


Title: Anatomy of a Scandal
Authors: Vaughan, Sarah
Genre: Fiction
Pages: 388
Year: 2018
Language: English
Description: When cabinet minister James Whitehouse, with a seemingly perfect life, goes on trial for rape, there is a lot at stake: not only his marriage to Sophie and his successful career (in tandem with his old friend Tom the PM), but also his exposure to Kate Woodcroft, the experienced prosecuting barrister hell-bent on revealing the truth.

Moving between the hallowed halls of contemporary Westminster and Oxford University decades earlier, this suspenseful psychological thriller and intelligent dissection of male privilege and behaviour, offers a fascinating and timely reflection on consent, intent and the misuse of power. [Larger font]
Categories: Fiction, Feminism, Morals/Ethics, Relationships, Social commentary/perspectives, Suspense/Thriller, England, 2020 Titles, Larger font


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By: CHCH 012 2024-02-22 10:30:35
The group generally enjoyed this book. It brought forth a lot of discussion re privilege, corruption, and the meaning of consent. Worth reading.

By: AUCK 150 2024-02-21 13:25:54
We all found this book a 'hard to put down' one. The writing was beautiful, and the plots and sub plots very powerful.

By: CHCH 001 2024-01-22 13:09:13
Unputdownable! Topical, good mystery. Some members had seen the T.V. series,and still enjoyed the book which was well-written with believable characters.

By: AUCK 417 2023-12-19 10:41:42
We all thoroughly enjoyed this book. It opened up a lot of discussion around the issues of consent, harassment and privilege. It portrayed the difficulty of proving rape even with a motivated barrister and especially against a privileged member of the upperclass.

By: INVER 001 2023-11-16 10:38:26
Our group all really enjoyed this book - highly topical subject matter and written in an engaging style. Also enjoyed the questions as very specific, thought provoking and relevant to the book.

By: CHCH 529 2023-03-20 10:40:43
One of the more gripping books we have read at book club, with a very robust discussion. It was also worth discussing the comparison of the book to the mini series, and that it was accurately portrayed. Highly recommended.

By: AUCK 014 2022-10-11 11:30:00
Several of the group had seen the television series, but despite knowing the ending still found the book very readable. The clever slow reveal of the characters kept us turning the pages. There was a lot of conversation about how conflicting the legal process is as an arbiter of guilt and innocence in such cases; especially so as we experience the shifts of cultural norms in our society. It was an easy read despite the unsettling nature of the content.

By: PAIHIA 003 2022-08-31 09:56:51
Well-written. Fairly topical theme for NZers right now. Attitudes of class and entitlement don't sit comfortably with Kiwis, so it promoted a very interesting discussion.

By: PALMN 018 2022-04-22 12:57:33
Excellent book. We are all looking forward to the Netflix version.

By: WAIKA 014 2022-04-22 12:56:30
Most reluctantly persevered and found it captivating as it wore on. Not a popular choice but it stimulated great discussion.

By: DUNED 015 2022-03-30 16:07:43
We thoroughly enjoyed this story, and its parallels to aspects of British political and academic behaviour!

By: HAMIL 062 2021-12-01 17:37:57
Everyone loved this thought provoking book. A great combination of weighty issues delivered in an easy to read page turner style. A credible version of a sexual assault's impact from the multiple perspectives of all the main characters. The characters were subtly portrayed as whole people with both good and bad characteristics. It stimulated a great discussion on the abuse of power by the entitled upperclass, what is true consent, what is the truth, and how damaging and long lasting the impact of sexual assault can be.

By: OHOPE 006 2021-09-17 11:37:03
Enjoyed by all the group in varying degrees. Hard hitting topic with a particularly disgusting main male character. Interesting twist to the story.

By: CHCH 488 2021-08-18 20:36:45
Most of us didn't really expect to like this book but ended up loving it. It sparked discussion on all sorts of things: staying at home with kids vs pursuing career goals, educating our kids about consent, the decency of politicians, infidelity among posh people, and irresponsible things we did when we were young.

By: CHCH 247 2021-06-09 15:02:33
10/11 readers found it very gripping. All enjoyed. Very well written. Discussion was very animated and uninhibited. Thoroughly recommend.

By: AUCK 038 2020-05-22 12:47:52
Very well-written, if somewhat disturbing!

By: WELL 150 2020-05-22 12:47:21
Good discussion and comments that this was very topical.

By: RAWEN 001 2020-05-22 12:46:18
We had a zoom meeting to discuss this book at the end of May. We ALL liked it, an easy read during lockdown. Good discussion afterwards regarding rape, and Sophie's attitude to her husband. Would recommend book to other groups.

By: MAST 014 2020-05-11 13:23:10
Well-written book. Enjoyed by everyone.

By: GREYT 001 2020-03-04 10:02:23
An excellent read. Although, at times, quite confronting and sexually explicit - it was at no time gratuitous. We had a great discussion about privilege and entitlement which really were the main themes of the story - and of course the "Me Too" movement. Our group is aged 70+ and we are mixed gender.

By: NELS 058 2020-01-29 14:41:43
A jolly good read.

By: NAP 005 2020-01-29 14:41:13
Different viewpoints on the book. Some found it difficult to get into, but rewarding when finished.

By: NORTH 009 2020-01-29 14:40:10
We found it difficult to relate to the characters initially but warmed to them as the story went on - not the rapist:-). Fabulous in depth discussion at our meeting - topics included old boys' culture, nurture issues etc.

By: PALMN 031 2020-01-29 14:36:53
Everyone enjoyed this book. Had a great discussion.

By: AUCK 069 2019-10-16 14:31:24
Despite the low score, we had one of the best discussions for a book. Everyone finished it; we felt it was not well-written but interesting subject matter.

By: TAUR 057 2019-06-19 12:45:19
This book divided the club. Some enjoyed it, most didn't. Some enjoyed the writing and descriptions, others felt the writing didn't make as much of the legal issues as other authors might have done. No-one could relate to the upper class characters or the old boys' network, but in talking about that it opened up one of the best discussions we've had.

The Book Discussion 
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